[BinForCry] Mobster - 50 Pts.

We’re given with this file.
lol it didn't load
Checking out the file, it looks like a python code but something weird is being appended on the end. Also noticed that if we ever run this python script, there’s a chance that it will brick our system by executing something from /usr/bin.

lol it didn't load

From above, we can also see the first line #coding: punycode. Searching it, we found some other writeups on how they solve this kind of CTFs. We chose the second one.
lol it didn't load
Turns out, we can run the following code against the mobster.py file.

f = open('<>', 'rb').read()
print(f.replace(b'#coding: punycode',b'').decode('punycode'))

Running it, below is the output: We can derive the flag from above:
lol it didn't load
Flag is: RC17{welcome_2_russian_roulette}