[BinForCry] Beelzebub - 100 Pts.

We’re given with this file.
lol it didn't load
Output states that it’s an ELF file.

We loaded it on Ghidra and checked out main function.
lol it didn't load
There are a lot of checks going on within the main function however what we want is inside FUN_001014c0:
lol it didn't load
As can be seen, it prints RC18{ thus we can say that this function prints the flag. Let’s investigate the required parameters.
lol it didn't load
We can try beelzebub as the 3rd parameter by setting RDX register to an address where string beelzebub is stored when that function is called in gdb.
We need to find the setting of 0x1b39, 0x1a4, and “ILOVEROOTCON” series of instruction. It can be found starting on 0x55555555527c.
lol it didn't load
By setting the RIP register to 0x555555555279 (I set the RIP register after breaking on the main function), it will then setup the parameters required for the print flag function. We then set a break point to the 0x55555555528d, calling 0x5555555554c0 which is the “print flag” function.
lol it didn't load
As can be seen, RDX registry makes no sense so we can set it to an address where string “beelzebub” is stores. We know these exists because they are present in the decompiled code. Within the main function, we found it on 0x555555556080. We set the RDX to that address and continued execution. Upon execution, it printed the flag.
lol it didn't load