[Web] Super Secure Static Website - 100 Pts.

We’re given link to https://admin-panel.pwndemanila.ph. Below is the landing page.
lol it didn't load
When the /password is visited, it gives 405 Method not allowed
lol it didn't load
Below what looks like if we access a nonexisting endpoint.
lol it didn't load
After a bit of googling, they turned out to be AWS bucket error HTTP responses indicating that the website is an S3 bucket. A stackoverflow answer below helped with the recon:
lol it didn't load
lol it didn't load
With this, we tried accessing and do basic recon on the website using AWS cli.
lol it didn't load
The above check has “access denied” response. We have done some more recon with the AWS cli with no success and the next command we tried returned something. The command is s3api list-objects-version.
lol it didn't load
After a bit of research again, turns out that these are versions of the file hosted on the website. We examined the metadata and the one that stood out on the output is the file size between different versions of script.js
lol it didn't load
One of the script.js is 522 in size meaning there is more data in there. We tried downloading the file through the command below:
lol it didn't load
It successfully downloaded! Viewing the file content, the flag is inside.
lol it didn't load